One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Treasure: VIGEO GARDENS’ Sustainable Material Handling

"One man’s trash is another man’s treasure" holds true at VIGEO GARDENS. Our spent soil is composted at the Akron Cooperative Farms and used to amend the soil for a sizable community farming effort. This collaboration exemplifies our commitment to sustainability and community support, showcasing the circular economy in action.

The Material Flow at VIGEO GARDENS

Every month, VIGEO GARDENS processes a staggering 100 tons of materials, ensuring that nothing organic ends up in a landfill. The inventory arrives as soil, seeds, nutrients, and packaging materials. From there, the journey begins: the materials are sown, grown, harvested, packaged, and shipped out, with the spent soil ultimately composted.

This seamless cycle ensures that our farm operates with zero organic waste. Instead of contributing to landfill mass, our waste nourishes the next generation of crops, feeding into a sustainable loop that benefits the environment and the community.

Evolution of Material Handling

When VIGEO GARDENS first started, all materials were moved by hand. It was a labor-intensive process, but as our farm grew, so did our need for more efficient material handling methods. Today, we employ a range of advanced equipment, including pallet jacks, pallet stackers, lift trucks, and dump trailers. These tools have revolutionized our operations, allowing us to scale up while maintaining efficiency and safety.

As we expand, so must our tools. Our commitment to sustainability means continuously innovating to ensure that our processes remain environmentally friendly and efficient. The right equipment enables us to multiply human efforts safely, making VIGEO GARDENS a viable solution for the food needs of tomorrow.

Packaging and Shipping: A Growing Endeavor

Currently, VIGEO GARDENS packages and ships over a million packages per year. Our ambitious goal is to increase this to 4 million packages per year by 2025. Achieving this target means quadrupling our material handling capabilities sustainably.

This growth is driven by our dedication to making a positive environmental impact. We ensure that all recyclable materials are recycled, and no organic waste goes into landfills. Our advanced material handling systems are designed to support this growth while maintaining our commitment to sustainability.

Akron Cooperative Farms

Commitment to a Sustainable Future

At VIGEO GARDENS, we are dedicated to creating a sustainable future. Our material handling practices reflect our core values: reducing waste, recycling materials, and utilizing equipment that enhances human efforts. By continuously improving our processes, we aim to meet the food needs of tomorrow while preserving the environment.

Our partnership with the Akron Cooperative Farms is just one example of how we turn waste into a resource. By composting our spent soil, we contribute to a community farming effort that enriches the local soil and supports sustainable agriculture. This partnership not only benefits the community but also reinforces our commitment to a circular economy.

As we look to the future, VIGEO GARDENS will continue to innovate and expand sustainably. Our goal is to become a leader in indoor farming, providing fresh, locally grown produce while minimizing our environmental footprint. Through efficient material handling and sustainable practices, we are paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future.